OSU SPS made a strong showing at the Sigma Pi Sigma Quadrennial Congress in San Francisco! Members attending PhysCon presented posters, networked with professionals, and listened to talks by some of the leaders in the field.

Evan (Senior, Physics & Nuclear Engineering) takes notes intensely

Students with research projects had the chance to present their work and represent the great research being done at Oregon State University. During the poster sessions, students presented to physics students from across the country and received feedback from professional physicists on their presentations.


(left) Senior Tym Mangan (Physics & Math) presents research conducted at Los Alamos National Laboratory on scintillator detectors (right) Senior Elliot Capek (Physics & Biochemistry) presents research on motor proteins 

Between plenary talks, PhysCon conducted workshops that allowed SPS members from across the nation (and beyond!) to network and discuss important topics faced by chapters and individuals during their physics journies. In turn, students made connections that will last well beyond their short stay at PhysCon.

LBCC student Osvaldo Galvez brainstorms effective SPS planning with students from different universities

All in all, we helped bring 12 students/faculty from LBCC and OSU with support from the OSU College of Science, OSU Department of Physics, and SPS nationals. We all had a great time and hope to stay involved with our peers and fellow physicists at the national level!